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Appendix A: Interview Guideline

Code Name:_______________________________________                                 Date:__________

1. Please tell me about the activities (work, programs <i.e. bible study>, classes, etc.) that were available to you while you were incarcerated.
a) was it mandatory to engage in activities, or did you have a choice?
b) did you engage in work activity? If NO, why not?
c) did you engage in any programs? If NO, why not?
d) did you take any classes? If NO, why not?

2. What did you think about the activities you were involved in?
a) Which ones were most beneficial?
b) Were there any programs that you did not care for?  If YES, What about them didn’t you like?

3. What programs or activities would you have liked to have been involved in, but were not available during your time of incarceration?

a) Did you make any suggestions to the program directors or corrections officers to create such programs?
b) If YES, how did that turn out? If NO, why not?

4. Please think back to before you went to jail for the first time. What you were like before you went to jail? (Attitudes about life, authority, personality, values, respect for others – i.e. feelings, opinions-)

5. I want you to think back to when you were released from jail. What were you like then?

Age: _______
Occupation (past if now unemployed):___________________________________________
Highest level of education: ____________________________________________________
How much time (in total) have you spent in jail? : __________________________________
How many different times have you been to jail (released, then re-arrested and re-sentenced)? ______________





Appendix B: Informed Consent Form

Emmanuel College Sociology Department
Informed Consent Form
“The Impact of Incarceration on Women’s Lives”
March 2009

Dear Participant,

You are invited to participate in a research study conducted by Amanda Wilson, under the supervision of her faculty sponsor, Katrin Kriz.


The purpose of this research is to obtain your perspective of your time in jail, and to get your opinion of the activities available at the jail.
In this study, you will be asked a series of questions regarding your experience in jail, and your opinion about the programs and activities you engaged in at the jail. Some of the questions asked may be personal. If at any time you feel uncomfortable answering any of the questions, you have the right to refuse to answer without any consequences.


The interview will take place in March. The location, date and time of the interview will all be decided upon based on when it is convenient to you. There will only be one interview and it will last for about one hour. With your permission, this discussion will be tape recorded. After the project is complete, all tapes will be destroyed.

The number of people who will participate is approximately 6, including yourself.

There are no known risks associated with this research. You could, however, feel slightly uncomfortable when answering the questions about your experience in jail. As previously noted, if at anytime you do not want to share the information, you have the right to refuse to answer. In order to minimize the risk of discomfort, you will not be asked any personal questions (such as why you went to jail). If you perceive any of the questions to be personal, and do not feel comfortable answering them, you reserve the right to refuse to answer. You may also stop the interview at anytime.

This research may help us to understand the effects of jail and the activities and programs it implements on the women who spend time there. This research finds your opinion highly valuable, because you are the only one that can truly say how jail has influenced your life.
Your name will not be attached to your answers so your confidentiality can be maintained. As previously noted, our discussions will be audio taped, but no names will be recorded.


Your participation in this research study is voluntary; you may choose not to participate. You also have the right to stop the interview at any time for any reason. You will not be penalized in any way should you decide not to participate or if you withdraw from this study.
If you have any questions or concerns about the research, please contact Amanda Wilson, at (603) 504-2712 (email, or Professor Katrin Kriz at (617) 735-9833 (email  If you have any questions about your rights as a participant in this research or there are any problems or concerns, please contact Dr. Joyce Benenson, Chair of the Emmanuel College Institutional Review Board (IRB) at 617-735-9707 (e-mail or Ms. Diane Bissaro, Administrative Assistant of Emmanuel’s IRB at 617-735-9713 (e-mail: The IRB is a group of people who review research proposals and may also review study records to ensure that research is designed and conducted in an ethical and safe way.


With your verbal consent, you are agreeing to participate in this study, as well as allowing this interview audio recorded. You may want to keep a copy of this document for future reference.

If at any point you become distressed and feel that professional help is necessary, West Central Services provides excellent counseling services.  West Central Services is located in Claremont at 140 North Street and in Lebanon, at 9 Hanover Street, Suite 2. The number for the Claremont office is 542-2578. The number for their Lebanon office is 448-0126. Their 24/7 emergency hotline number is 1-800-564-2578.


Amanda Wilson & Katrin Kriz

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